On personal Truth

They call for help with out screaming, preferring to have another yell louder for them.


11/9/20231 min read

Illusions as distortions of perception.

Monsters. Masquerades of beings that gasp at the circumstance of events that they initiated themselves, parading “mercy”. If wanting can go wrong, best believe the action might go worse. Undermining the egotistical nature of human emotions, the need to be proven just and understood, winds up riding a being of that which they claim- is of strong importance to them simply bewilders me.

They call for help with out screaming, preferring to have another yell louder for them.

If you must blow trumpets in agony to relinquish that which you believed in, you’re of that kind. It’s treacherous to oneself to mock one’s individual beliefs for the sake of submitting and push the buttons, “to fit in”. Why would you reduce yourself to a mere jeer, completely dismissing that which you reckon as truth?

To say of what is that it is not, or of what is not that it is, is false, while to say of what is that it is, and of what is not that it is not, is true”.

Greek philosopher Aristotle( 384- 322 BC)

Forbidding oneself from exercising individual passions is sanctuary for the enemies of the soul. One must be willing to see beyond that which, is presented as truth in order to perceive their own truth. The thin line between illusion and truth, to me, is what creates false. Inevitably, it winds up becoming a Plato kind of situation;

“Truth depends on being”.

Greek philosopher Plato

Now, why subject your being to incidents that rid It of becoming fully adventurous of that which it reckons as truth? Besides, no one is going to know if it’s true or false anyway. It’s mostly, if not all, an illusion.

perhaps love